Here are a few thoughts on the 125th Anniversary Dinner. Feel free to add your thoughts.
o We need to start posting a save the date on social and email. To do this we need:
§ The 125th logo being used
§ The venue nailed down.
o We will be printing some evergreen signs that can be used for other events:
§ Table toppers (amount based on # of tables at event)
§ Retractable banners (2-4 depending on price)
§ Vinyl banner (3’x5’)
o Will need someone with photoshop to help make the graphics
o Current program will include (but open to additions):
§ Induction
§ Dinner
§ Introductions of Masonic dignitaries (RW JR, District officers, Past masters, etc.
§ Brief history of Lebanon Lodge
§ Closing Prayer
o Current thoughts on swag include:
§ Shirts
§ Coin (presentation page)
§ Pin
§ History pamphlet
§ Belt Buckle
§ Dinner tickets
o We are thinking that each member would fill out an order form that would allow them to pick what they want. The hope is that this keeps the price as low as possible but gives everyone choices.
o We need to have all swag confirmed with images and pricing by 10/15.
o We will allow lodge members to order tickets/swag first before we open it up to those outside the lodge. Lodge pre-order will be available between 10/16-11/1.
§ Payment must be made to hold a ticket/swag items.
o Is there an occupancy limit?
o What do we want the dress code to be?
o Are kids allowed?
o Reserved Tables (buy a table vs individual tickets)
o Budget
§ Venue
§ Food
§ Marketing
o Lead- Tony Day
o Book edits
o Book printing
o Presentation slideshow?
o Venue
o Menu/ pricing per person
o 125th Logo art (high res)
o Lodge Logo (high res)
o Budget breakdown
o Volunteers for:
§ Marketing design
§ Social Posts
§ SWAG Organization/ order fulfillment
We will talk about the Venue in Stated Meeting tonight. Please be prepared to provide a brief update on the needed asap items.