We met last week for the Vanguard and Long Range Planning. Most of the time was spent on Vanguard. It is clear we will need a stand a lone meeting for LRP/Strategic Plan. I will highlight items that need to be addressed under the "Required Activities" and list the numbers in each section we can focus on as choices.
Lodge Admin-Required
Item 1 Brother Secretary will need to enroll myself and Br. JD in the Feb OLT. Br. JD will need 101. I will need 201.
Item 3 will need to be developed
Item 4 will need to be developed. I will schedule a meeting.
In the chosen activities for Lodge Admin we will do the following
1,2,and 3 will be driven out by the Membership Committee.
Item 4- Brother Whalin will plan to attend Secretary's school
We have number 6.
Number 7 will be completed in January
Number 8 will be driven out by the Membership Committee and needs to be scheduled
Community Involvement Br. Shasteen chairs the Community Commitee
our 10 choices (2,3,4,6,8,11,14,17,18,20,21)
3-Fantastic Teeth Jan/Feb PM Van Hooser
11-Jan/Feb Br. SW will call the Troop
14-Chess Club?
17-Nov/Dec coordinate with Frisco Family Services
18-Does our December 7th event where we will open a Reprsentation of Grand Lodge qualify?
20 November Stated Flag Presentation-Needs to be Coordinated -Br JD and other Veterans to do flags
21 Brother Secretary to coordinate Blood Drives. We would like to avoid very cold and very hot months
Member Service (Br. SW chairs the Membership Committee)
1 and 2 need to be coordinated. 3 is done.
Chosen Activities (1,2,3,5,7,24)
1-committee is in place (Bill Foreman and others) Needs coordination
2. Done each Stated
3. Needs to be calendared
5-Bob Foster's Service
7- Either done or can be done quickly (Joel Morris and Bldg committee)
24-Have Tony Day write something for Texas Masonic Magazine or Local Frisco Magazine
Masonic Education
Required Activities
1-Has been completed
2- will be done in Stated Meetings by Br. Madden, Br. SD, Br. JW (Law Book)
3. Need to coordinate having District Instructor Grade Opening and Closing in January or February Meeting
Chosen Activities
1-Brs-Shasteen and Deon Williams
5 has been completed (WM, SW, JW, Treasurer, Master of Ceremonies, Br Whalin, Brother Silvey, PM Barnes, and others attended)
6-Br Skip Williams will test for his A. Bothers Blandini and Howell will test for C. Do others qualify?
7- Skip, Paul, Jeff, Mario and others will attend
Chose 4 (1,3,4,5,6 and maybe 8)
1-Celina Plural Members
3-Family Nights
4-Discussed going to a Hockey Game in Allen
5-Brother Madden can coordinate
6-Last Saturday in January at Hella Temple
8-Cornerston event-PM Barnes can call Wendell Miller